Eco The Rover

An economically affordable rover for the classroom.


ECO the Rover is a motorized mobile agent based on Sawppy the Rover. ECO has been adapted to be built with components available in Europe. The current layout of ECO and proportion imitates other rovers shape such as Mars Rover Curiosity and Mars 2020 do. Both, ECO and Sawppy, reproduce the Rocker-Bogie suspension kinematics of real rovers

ECO is intended to be a rover for multidisciplinary future projects in the classroom seeking to do autonomous rovers for exploration and prospection of other planets/asteroids/satellites.

Outdoor tests

ECO Test 1


Task Description Date Status
1 Components Definition 10/2018 Terminated
2 Fabrication 11/2018 Terminated
3 Motor Setup 01/2019 Terminated
4 Assembly 01/2019 Work in progress
5 Test I - indoors –/2019 Work in progress
6 Test II - outdoors –/2019 Work in progress
7 Release –/2019 Inactive
8   –/2019 Inactive


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Step 1

Step 2

Step 3



Components Distributors


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